Eastern Massage Therapy


Eastern Massage Therapy

Thai Massage   $80  +tax (30 min)  /  $150 +tax (55 min) – COMING SOON     
Thai massage incorporates yoga-like stretches to reduce stress and improve circulation, increase energy and mental stimulation. Thai massage uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax the whole body. (Comfortable clothing required)

 Shiatsu Massage   $100 +tax  (55 min)
Shiatsu massage is based on the holistic system of traditional Chinese medicine. The Therapist uses different pressure point techniques as well as passive stretching to open up the energy pathways. Shiatsu technique can promote health and facilitate healing by correcting energy imbalances in the body..

“Back Walking” Massage    $120 +tax (55 min)
Back Walking,  also known as Ashiatsu, is a bare foot massage option for anyone looking for an extremely beneficial deep tissue massage. This centuries-old massage technique gives an increased feeling of well-being and stress relief among other benefits such as relief of chronic pains, stiff joints, and tight muscles.  (Not recommended as a first time massage experience or with any injuries)

Ashiatsu FAQ’s

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy (AOBT) is a barefoot massage technique using deep strokes from the therapists' feet. It is a western version of an ancient form of bodywork, with roots dating back thousands of years from cultures across Asia, India, Africa and the Pacific Rim.
In an Ashiatsu session, the client relaxes on a comfortable massage table while the therapist stands on the table holding onto overhead bars for balance and support, using their feet to deliver the massage. The advantage of this massage — both for the client and the therapist — is that Ashiatsu allows gravity to do the work, leveraging the therapists' body weight to provide a depth unmatched by other techniques.
Ashiatsu offers deep, broad compression without sharp discomfort. Ashiatsu is meant to feel more like a mesmerizing Swedish massage — deep broad pressured flowing strokes — with no pain. Feel an awakening of your natural healing potential through true relaxation.
Clients of every age and size can benefit from this deep tissue massage, famous for back and hip pain relief, and deep relaxation. Ashiatsu is particularly popular among athletes, but is not recommended during pregnancy, or with any health issues only if supported with doctor permission note. Please discuss with your massage therapist any potential health concerns before trying Ashiatsu.
Ashiatsu can be done with clothes on as per client request. Comfortable cotton clothing must be worn at the time of the service.